CV: Publications
Jennifer Semple Siegel
York College of Pennsylvania
Memoir Madness: Driven to Involuntary Commitment, Ban My Book Publishing, 2013.
Kindle and Fire (A Short Story), Ban My Book Publishing, March 2013.
The Trash Can of L.A. (A Reality Play), Ban My Book Publishing, December
Are You EVER Going to be Thin? (and other stories), Ban My Book Publishing,
October 2012.
“The Re-feeding Program,”
excerpt from “The Big Diet” (short story), The Non-Dieting Weblog.
26 February 2006.
“Copyright: Ethics Versus
Education in Macedonia,” American Writer: Journal of the National Writers
Union, UAW/AFL-CIO. Fall 2005. 12. Print and online.
“Persona Grata” (essay), Writer’s
Digest Online. 28 April 2005.
“You Said It: Worth the
$$?” Reader’s Digest. January 2004. 15.
“Résumé” (short story). International
Journal for Teachers of English Writing Skills (Special Literary
Issue)10.2 (August 2003). 115-117.
“Alan Sillitoe.” Concise
Dictionary of British Literary Biography. GaleNet Online, 1999.
“Charlotte Perkins
(Stetson) Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper: Fiction ‘With a Purpose’ and the Need
to Know the Real Story.” CEA Critic 59.3 (Spring/Summer 1997):
“Feet” (short story). Pennsylvania
English 19.2 (1994): 53-63.
“Are You EVER Going to be
Thin?” (short story). Sleeping with Dionysus: Women, Ecstasy and Addiction.
Ed. Kay Marie Porterfield. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1994. 20-25.
“Alan Sillitoe.” British
Short-Fiction Writers, 1945-1980. Ed. Dean Baldwin. The Dictionary of Literary Biography. 139. Detroit: Bruccoli Layman Clark, Gale Research Inc., 1994.
“Lady Chatterley’s
Evolution from ‘Personality’ to ‘Blood’: The Role of Eight Wild Flowers and the
‘Blood-warmth’ Marriage Ritual.” Pennsylvania English 18.2
(1994): 12-27.
“Are You Thin Yet?”
(essay). Eating Our Hearts Out: Personal Accounts of Women’s Relationship to Food. Ed. Lesléa Newman. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1993. 204-206.
“Rendezvous” (short
story). Yugoslav English Language Teaching Review 12 (November
1989): 76-77.
Writing Activities
Currently working on Corpus Delicious, Fat Woman Walking, The Fat Lady Sings, Peep Central, Luna Drive, The Querist, and
Edited the English
portion of Boris Trajkovski, 1999-2004, (See The Boris Trajkovski International Foundation Facebook Page) by Jason Miko. Skopje (North Macedonia): The Boris Trajkovski International
Foundation, 2004.
Founder and former editor
of Onion River Review, an independent publication of the MFA
alumni and graduate students at Goddard College, 1993-1996. (Not to be confused
with the current Onion River Review out of St. Michael’s College).
Editor and faculty
advisor of The York Review, York College of Pennsylvania literary magazine, 1992-1996.
Edited articles for The
Macedonian Review, Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1989.
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Updated November 27, 2019
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